4 Common Myths About Fire Alarms

fire alarms

fire alarms

Fire accidents have turned out to be quite common nowadays. Be it residential or commercial fires, an accident can strike anytime. Fire can be quite destructive. A small fire can turn into a large one if it is not detected quickly or the right steps are not taken to contain it.

There are various sources of fire including faults in electrical wiring, smoking, fire from candles or other light sources and so on. Additionally, vehicular fire is also quite common. If you live in Texas, you are aware of the various incidents of Texas truck fire.

Fire detecting systems play a crucial role in signaling the early signs of fire. These alert the occupants of the building of a fire and, therefore, help in evacuating the building quickly. A fire alarm is an important part of protecting businesses. Most buildings are equipped with these fire alarm systems owing to their effectiveness. Many fire alarms come with an audio alert.

That being said, there are various myths shrouding the fire alarms. Let’s take a look at some of the misconceptions and clear them out for you.

Myth 1.

A few alarms can protect an entire building.

Fire alarms are not enough to protect a building. While a fire alarm signals the fire, it does not douse it. Therefore, it is important to include fire extinguishing systems along with the fire alarm. For example, a fire sprinkler system is a crucial element that should be included. There are various kinds of sprinkler systems that you can invest in. Some of the common types of fire sprinkler systems include wet pipe, dry pipe, deluge, pre-action and so on. Apart from that, there are also foam, water mist and water spray sprinkler systems.

In addition to fire sprinklers, buildings should also be equipped with fire extinguishers. The fire extinguishers should be refilled or replaced after usage. Additionally, occupants of the building should also have an idea about how to use fire extinguishers for the best results.

Myth 2.

Fire alarms protect the building from fire.

The function of a fire alarm is to signal the fire. It does not prevent a fire from occurring. As soon as the fire alarm sounds, the building is evacuated quickly. Also, the fire alert from the alarm system is utilized to implement the right steps for containing the fire and making attempts to extinguish it. Therefore, a fire alarm system alone cannot make a building safe. Fire prevention techniques should be implemented in order to protect a building from fire.

Myth 3.

Fire alarms do not require inspection.

A fire alarm system will be of no use if it is not operational. This is where proper inspection of the fire alarms become relevant. After installation of a fire alarm system in a building, it is mandatory to get it inspected properly and periodically according to the building codes. These inspections can help in finding out the faults in the system to ensure that they are repaired or replaced quickly.

Fire alarm systems should always be inspected by professionals. In case the systems are found to be inadequate, they should be brought up to standard immediately so that they comply with the building codes.

Myth 4.

Fire alarms are not necessary since smoke be smelled or seen.

If you own a large commercial or a residential property, it may be quite difficult to find out where a fire has started. A fire can start at any corner of the building and no one would have any idea about it unless it spreads and results in massive destruction.

Depending on where this fire starts, the occupants of the building may not be able to smell or see the smoke to take the right action. This is why fire alarms should be installed at every level and area of the building. These systems detect the smoke and trigger the alarms sounding equipment. It also activates the connected alarms in the nearby areas inside the building to alert the occupants of a possible fire.

Fire alarm systems are highly beneficial in preventing a fire from turning into a catastrophe. That being said, it is important to take the right precautions to prevent the possibility of a fire.

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Katie Smith

Katie Smith is a fire expert and her areas of interests and expertise include forensic science and accident or crime scene investigation related matters. She is associated with Auto Fire & Safety Consultant and often conducts fire investigation in Houston. Blogging is her hobby and she is also a consultant blogger, having well-accepted write-ups on a wide range of topics, such as general safety, security and safety equipment.